
We’ve been hard at work!

I have been using the winter to get ahead on making things and planning what to get started in the greenhouse. I am addicted to making these teeny embroideries. They are available in the shop as necklaces, but can be made into keychains or bookmarks if you want. They are so much fun to make! I also got my seeds for the upcoming planting season! I’m so excited to start my seeds and grow them up for sale.

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Welcome to Seeds and Scraps. We are a small homestead business in South West Ohio catering to sewing hobbyists and nature lovers. The business is owned by me, Caitlin Wilson. I’m a biologist who has an intense love for plants. I specifically want to establish a native plant nursery to introduce others to native plants they may not have met yet. There are so many benefits to planting native plants and I want to share this with you!

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