Hungarian Wax (Capsicum Annuum)

This hot pepper is often confused with the banana pepper because they look similar. This pepper is much hotter than a banana pepper! The Hungarian hot wax pepper is often harvested before it reaches maturity because its heat level increases dramatically after it turns red. These peppers have thick, waxy flesh that is completely edible. They are a popular ingredient for mole sauces, soups, salads, and pickled peppers. They are also great roasted on the grill. They have a wide range of heat, between 1,000-15,000 SHU. So they are hotter than a jalapeno, but more mild than your average poblano.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant in full sun and well draining soil
  • Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart
  • Matures in 75-90 days

Seed Saving

To save seed, allow the pepper to turn red on the plant, then harvest, cut the pepper, scrape out the seeds and dry on a flat surface such as a screen, paper plate or baking sheet. Allow to dry for 1-2 weeks and then store in a paper envelope.

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