Habanero (Capsicum chinese)

Habanero peppers once held the record for hottest pepper in the world. Their heat ranges from 150,000-575,000 SHU! These peppers are prized for their heat and their citrus after flavor. It’s a very popular choice for hot sauces, powders, and rubs. Habaneros pair well with tropical flavors like mango and pineapple.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant in full sun and well draining soil
  • Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart
  • Matures in 80 green, 100 days orange

Seed Saving

To save seed, allow the pepper to turn red on the plant, then harvest, cut the pepper, scrape out the seeds and dry on a flat surface such as a screen, paper plate or baking sheet. Allow to dry for 1-2 weeks and then store in a paper envelope.

Image credit: “Habanero Pepper Plant 02” by Garrett Heath is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Habanero peppers before ripening
Habanero peppers before ripening

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