Lebanese Za'atar (Satureja hortensis)

This herb looks similar to oregano, with small oval leaves and purple flowers. It is enjoyed for its strong flavor and it holds its flavor when dried, pickled, or cured in olive oil. Za’atar is also one of the ingredients in a common spice mixture of the same name. The herb has an aroma of oregano and mint, but it tastes like a combination of Greek oregano, marjoram, and thyme so save this herb to add variety to your spice cabinet!

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant two weeks after all danger of frost has passed
  • Plant in a sunny, well drained area. This herb loves a sandier soil.
  • This plant must be grown as an annual in Ohio because it is frost sensitive so either save seeds from the plant before winter, transplant into a container, or harvest the whole herb before the first freeze.
  • To save seeds, allow flowers to mature and the seed heads to die on the plant. When seeds are fully dry, whack the seed heads into a container. Winnow chaff away from the seeds and store seeds in a paper envelope in a cool, dry place.

More information about this herb can be found at True Love Seeds

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