
Cumin is a heat loving annual that is prized for it’s seed. The seeds are used as a spice in many cuisines! It has an earthy flavor that has been known to enhance many dishes. Cumin also attracts beneficial insects such as lacewings, predatory wasps, and lady bugs. Companion planting cumin with crops that attract aphids and caterpillars can help keep pests away from valuable crops susceptible to these pests.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • This plant is a member of the carrot/dill family and has a fragile tap root. Take care when handling this plant to ensure your transplantation is successful.
  • Transplant in sunny place with sandy well draining soil if possible.
  • This plant needs a long growing season of 120-140 days to produce seed. Transplant as soon as possible for best success.

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