Spider milkweed (Asclepias viridis)

This milkweed species has unique light green with rose colored center blooms. This is a host plant for Monarch butterflies. It grows to about 1 foot tall and prefers partial shade to full sun. This species does not have a tendency to spread aggressively like common milkweed, so it is a great choice for perennial gardens. It doesn’t like competition though so be sure to have a dedicated space for it. This plant will bloom in May to June for about a month. You should expect it to produce mature seed pods in early July.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant in large open space in well drained soil with full sun.
  • Milkweed likes to grow in disturbed areas so maintain a weed free area until the plants are established
  • Once the flowers bloom, they will be replaced by seed pods. Either save these seed pods for later or remove them to prevent the milkweed from spreading
  • Milkweed will come back every year and will produce more of itself very vigorously.

Seed saving notes

Wait until pods form on the plant. Once the pods have dried and slightly popped open, you should see brown seeds inside. Collect this and separate them from the fluffy parts. Store the seeds in a labeled paper envelope/bag.

To start from seed, place in a coffee filter or paper towel and seal into a plastic baggie. Store in the refrigerator for 30 days, then plant in potting soil. Transplant when seedlings are 4 inches tall and all danger of frost has passed. Alternatively, scatter seeds in the fall and rake into the soil. They should germinate the following spring.

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