
Marigolds will bloom near constantly if deadheaded consistantly (pinching off spent blooms). They will bloom from midsummer all the way to frost! You can even use marigolds as a sacrificial lure to keep pests away from your valuable ornamental flowers!

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant marigolds in an area that recieves 6-8 hours of full sun each day. If planted in an area with 3-6 hours of sunlight, the plant will grow but will not bloom as aggressively.

  • Plants will flower more in nutrient poor soil with good drainage. Soil that is too rich in nutrients may cause the plant to focus on leaves instead of blooms.

  • Water at least weekly.

  • Marigolds will not overwinter in Ohio, so be sure to allow some blooms to flower to completion and save the seeds for next year.

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