False sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides)

This native flower looks like mini sunflowers all summer long! Blooms start in June and continue into late September. The flower is a member of the Aster family (the same family as sunflowers, asters, etc.). False sunflowers create many seeds to keep the native birds well fed throughout the winter if you don’t dead head spent blooms. This profusely blooming plant requires very little care and grows well in wet to dry environments.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant once all danger of frost has passed
  • Plant in full to partial sun
  • Expect blooms from June to late September
  • Finished height 5-6 feet
  • False sunflowers spread well and will fill in an area, so plant in an area you don’t mind having a lot of them.
  • Attracts birds and pollinators.

Seed Saving

  • Wait until the seed heads are completely dried and brown on the flower head
  • Clip the flower head and put into a brown paper bag
  • To separate seed, place seed heads into a coffee can or other large container with a lid. Shake vigorously. Seed should be in the bottom of the container and easy to collect.

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