• White Queen Tomato Seeds

This tomato variety was discovered in the early 1990s. The tomato ripens to a cream color with a pink blush on the blossom end. This tomato can be used to make a beautiful white tomato sauce or it can be eaten fresh. It has a sweet and rich flavor.

Planting/Harvesting Notes

  • Plant in well draining, fertile soil in full sun
  • Use a tomato cage or stake to keep plants off the ground
  • Time from planting to harvest is 85-90 days.
  • Type is indeterminate so once it gets going, it will produce until frost.

Seed Saving

To save tomato seeds, slice the top off the ripe tomato and scoop out the seeds into a small container. Be sure to label the container with your variety. Once all seeds are in the container, fill the container with water so that the seeds are floating (approximately 1/4-1/2 cup water) and cover the container. Allow the container to sit in a cool, dark place for 3-5 days. It is ok if a moldy film develops on top. After 3-5 days, carefully remove the film and stir. Allow seeds to settle for 1-2 minutes. Any seeds that sink are viable. Carefully pour off any floating seeds and pulp and then strain the sunken seeds. Rinse the remaining gel off the seeds while they are in the strainer. Then spread the seed in a single layer on a drying screen, paper plate, etc. If saving multiple varieties, be sure to label all seeds. After all seeds are dry, store in a labeled paper envelope in a cool dry place.

White Queen Tomato Seeds

  • Product Code: wqtomseeds
  • Availability: 9
  • $3.00