• Sweet Italian Frying Pepper Seeds

Species: Capsicum annuum

Days to harvest (after transplant): 70-80

This is one of our favorite peppers to grow! These are very sweet when ripe and the plants produce 8-10 peppers per plant. Each pepper averages 6 inches or so but we have had some be closer to 10 inches on a good harvest. These plants are reliable producers and they grow fast.


Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost date. Shorten germination time by applying bottom heat to the tray with a heat mat set to 70-90F. Remove seedlings from heat mat once germinated. Be sure to harden off seedlings 1-2 weeks before transplant. Once all danger of frost has passed, plant seedlings outside once night time temperatures are above 50F. Space plants 18-24 in apart.


Peppers are edible at any stage, but harvest when peppers are 5-8 inches in length. If you wait for the pepper to ripen to red, it will be sweeter. The pepper should feel firm and should not have squishy or soggy. If the pepper is squishy, you have waited too long to harvest. You can fertilize the plants after all peppers are harvested to stimulate a second round of peppers to grow.

Seed saving

Allow the pepper to ripen on the plant before harvesting for seed. If picked while green, seeds won’t be mature enough to be viable. Cut pepper open and put seeds into a container to dry. Air dry seeds in a single layer up to 2 weeks. Once seeds are dry, label and store in a paper envelope in a cool dry place.

Sweet Italian Frying Pepper Seeds

  • Product Code: itafrypepseeds
  • Availability: 15
  • $3.00

Tags: Sweet Italian Pepper, seeds, vegetable seeds, pepper seeds