Species: Abelmoschus esculentus

Days to harvest: 50-60

 These red pods look stunning on the stalk and are very easy to spot for harvesting. These spineless pods stay tender much longer than traditional Clemson spineless in our experience.


Start in pots 5-6 weeks before frost or direct sow after all chance of frost has passed. Okra is a hibiscus family member so it grows best when it is warm. Transplant 2 weeks after the last frost date for best results. Space plants 1-2 feet apart to allow plants ample room to grow. Mulch around base of plant to retain moisture and maintain constant soil temperature. Okra needs at least 1 inch of water per week.


Pods are ready to harvest when they are 3-5 inches in length. The pods must be harvested by cutting with a knife or hand pruners. Check okra every other day or daily during harvest season to ensure continuous production. Plant will produce continuously for up to 100 days if harvested regularly.

Seed saving

To save seed, allow pods to grow out and dry on the stalk. Once the pods are dry, harvest the pods, strip the pods away from the beans, and allow the seeds to air dry fully on a flat surface like a shallow baking sheet or baking tray (this takes about 2 weeks). Be sure your seeds are in a single layer so they don't mold. DO NOT dry in the oven or in a dehydrator. This will destroy the seeds.

Red Burgundy Okra Seeds

  • Product Code: rbokraseeds
  • Availability: 4
  • $3.00

Tags: seeds, okra, vegetable seeds