Species: Phaseolus vulgaris

Days to maturity: 50-60

These compact bush bean plants with tender purple pods. The flowers are a beautiful lilac purple color and the pods are a deep purple. Unfortunately the pods turn green during cooking, but this can be used as a convenient cook timer. As soon as the purple color disappears, your beans are warm throughout but still crunchy!


Beans prefer to be direct seeded. Sow roughly 1 inch (2.5cm) deep after soil temperatures have reached about 70F (21C). Space seeds 12-18 in (30-45cm) apart. Bean seedlings should emerge after 7-10 days. Water regularly to ensure soil does not dry out. Use mulch around plants to help retain water and build soil for future plants. Bush beans do not require the use of a trellis or stake to support them. If you have the space, you can succession plant a row of beans every 2 weeks from mid May to August to get a steady supply of beans throughout the summer.


Harvest when beans are about as thick as a pencil. Pods should feel firm when squeezed. If beans are not harvested at the correct time, the plant will stop producing flowers and pods.

Seed saving

If you want to save seeds for next season, allow the pods to grow until the pods dry out on the plant. The beans should be plump and the walls of the pod will shrink. Then once the pods are dry harvest, strip the pods away from the beans, and allow the beans to air dry fully on a flat surface like a shallow baking sheet or baking tray (this takes about 2 weeks). Be sure your beans are in a single layer so they don't mold. DO NOT dry in the oven or in a dehydrator. This will destroy the seeds.

Royal Purple Bush Bean Seed

  • Product Code: roypurseeds
  • Availability: 6
  • $3.00

Tags: beans, seeds, vegetable plants